Friday, September 19, 2008

finding wisdom right in my own backyard

This blogging thing has been so enlightening...and I have only been at it for two days!

As other people are finding the blog they have shared links to their own writings. As I have read some of their posts I have been amazed at the wisdom that is resident within my own circle of friends...Al, Gloria, Russ, Jen, etc. You guys have great writing and communication skills...but what has been most exciting is the practical wisdom I am learning from you!

I think that sometimes, as a pastor/pastor's wife, I get so used to people coming to me for "wisdom" that when I am in need I tend to not know where to turn. My tendency is to head to a library and look for a book or do a "google" search and see what some expert has to say.

What a dunderhead I am! God has given me a great circle of friends...and thanks to the wonders of the internet I am able to contact friends from all over the world! "Lord, remind me of this when I just need an ear or some have given me such good friends. Teach me to stay in better contact and learn from them."

I'm proud of my circle of friends! We're all in this together!


  1. Ruthie, to think I had been dragging my feet with the whole facebook thing. What a blessing it is to have you more in my life. I look forward to reading your thoughts, insights, and what's going on with the family.

  2. Great light bulb moment! You are not a "Dunderhead"! You just needed to learn, as Dorothy did, that you don't need to go Oz to find sources of wisdom, just look in your own back yard! Keep up the great work!
    Pastor Ogre

  3. mom! i don't really get the title. i thought you were gonna say somethin wise that i said (or erik and corrie). i like knowing that your not God and your actually human!i luv u!!!!!!!!!!!1


  4. Elisabeth - I like knowing that, too! It really takes the pressure off!
