While hearing the news this week and looking at the pictures of the devastation in Haiti, my mind began to wonder what it might be like to be Jesus. Imagine the sights His eyes must see as He views the pain and suffering going on all around the world, not just in Haiti but in the brothels of Delhi, in the business rooms of Beijing, and in the family rooms of Des Moines. Imagine the cries that His ears must daily hear. Imagine the loving heart of the Creator being broken by what has happened to His creation over the years of recorded history.
Is it any wonder that He decided to step into history, take on human flesh, and participate in our suffering? We often think along these lines "How could a loving God just stand by and watch this take place?" Well, the truth is, He doesn't just "stand by"....He enters into the suffering, partakes in it, and then provides a way of relief from it. He did so in the Incarnation over 2000 years ago, and He is still "putting on flesh" through every relief worker that gives a cup of clean water in His name. He is there in every dollar that buys food for a hungry child and in every construction worker that assembles a safe shelter for a defenseless woman without a home. He is the added strength that allows a pastor to comfort a grieving father while his own home lies in wreckage.
Imagine how the heart of the Creator must long for the fullness of time when all of creation is restored! He must yearn for that time when redemption is fully realized....and there will be no more tsunamis, no more earthquakes, no more rape, no more genocide, no more war, no more divorce, no more sickness...and no more death. Romans 8 tells us that even creation itself is groaning for its redemption.
But you know what? I believe God's heart must be looking forward to that time of the fullness of redemption even more than mine is.
Help me feel your heart today, Lord...and then help me to be your hands.
Ruthie very nicely said. In fact I would like to "borrow" it for part of my missions emphasis Sunday if that's ok?
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love your last line -- sums up my heart too!
Use anything you'd like, Gloria. Thanks for the comment. =)
ReplyDeleteLove it.