Hopefully, I will get to my blog on Sunday or Monday at the latest...it's been SO busy! I've been taking some notes on my journey as an evangelical in keeping up with the liturgical calendar. Got some great stuff to share with you! Keep checking back!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Adultery isn't just wrong; it's stupid!

Happy Valentine's Day! I have writer's block this morning so I've pulled this out of my files. I wrote this after reading an article in "Leadership" Magazine by Randy Alcorn and before I got married. Much of this list I took directly from him but I added to it and tweaked it some. It has evolved since I first started it 21 years ago.
This list has reminded me several times of some of the practical reasons to stay faithful to my husband by reminding me of the consequences of adultery. We live in a culture that gives us so many encouragements to be unfaithful...but they do not usually show us the consequences of adultery. So...without further ado...
22 consequences in my life should I choose to commit adultery...
1. Grieving my Redeemer who has already forgiven me of so many sins
2. Causing shame upon the sacred name of God and the calling of the ministry
3. Following in the footsteps of others whose immorality forfeited their marriages or ministries and caused great pain to the body of Christ : (there is a list of names in my personal file that, sadly, over the years has grown - I keep the list not to shame them but to remind me)
4. Inflicting untold hurt on Shawn, the man I’ve promised to cherish and be faithful to and losing his trust and respect as well as the wonderful freedom we have known in our marriage.
5. Crushing my beloved children, Erik, Corrie, and Gracie and having to explain to them "why we aren't pastor's anymore."
6. Destroying my example and credibility with my children and crippling future efforts to teach them to obey God in every area of their lives.
7. If Shawn be unable to forgive me, I could lose my marriage and my family forever.
8. I would lose respect for myself and create a guilt hard to shake. Even if God, Shawn, and the kids forgive me, would I be able to forgive myself?
9. Forming memories that would plague future intimacy with my husband, both on my part and his.
10. Forfeiting years of rewarding ministry, possibly permanently.
11. Forfeiting my ministerial credentials and the respect of my fellow ministers in the Assemblies of God (list of names of men and women whose respect I desire)
12. Forfeiting the effect of years of witnessing to my best friend, "M", and encouraging her to continue in immorality.
13. Undermining the faithful example of other Christians.
14. Bringing great pleasure to Satan, the enemy of my soul.
15. Possibly destroying the family of the person with whom I committed adultery and knowing that I was a “home wrecker.”
16. Possibly bearing in my body the effects of my sin with sexually transmitted diseases. Possibly infecting Shawn, and in the case of AIDS, causing his death.
17. Possibly facing the effects of a pregnancy with its personal, financial and family obligations.
18. Dealing with the aftermath of a broken heart and the emotional pain that comes from loving and losing.
19. Bringing shame to members of my church (list names):
20. Causing shame and hurt to these friends, whom I have taught, discipled, or led to Christ: (list names).
21. Bringing shame and embarrassment to my parents, uncle and aunt, and brother and sister whom I want to be proud of me.
22. Invoking shame and lifelong embarrassment upon myself.
If I choose to commit adultery it wouldn't just be wrong, it would be stupid.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Don't chase the snake! Get rid of the poison!

Not too long ago I had to take a first aid course at Iowa Western Community College; actually, I had to take a Physical Education course and this sounded like the one most down my alley since it didn't involve much strenuous activity!
One of the things we learned about was snake bites. According to our book, one of the worst things you can do after being bitten by a snake is to try to chase the snake to kill it yourself. Apparently, when you do that the poison works it way through your circulatory system more quickly because of the exertion. You would do better to lie quietly and do something about the poison that's already inside you due to the bite than to go running after the snake.
I have been thinking about this. There have been times in my life when it felt like I had been bitten by a "snake." Someone with an unkind word, rude remark, or just plain meanness left me feeling as if I had just been "bit." In those brief moments following those times, I have a choice to make as to how I will respond: will I chase after the "snake" or work on ridding myself of any "poison" that might be working its way through me due to the "bite."
The natural reaction is, of course, to take revenge on the snake but catching it is unlikely and the chase only serves to strengthen the potency of the poison.
So that leaves me with another option - take some time to take care of myself and get the poison out! How do we do this? Jesus gives us some great advice in Luke 6, when He tells us to love our enemies. He gives four specific actions to tell us exactly what to do. We are to "do good to them, to bless them, pray for them, and give to them."
Why? He knows that our natural tendency when we have an "enemy" is to want to punish, retaliate, defend ourselves, and seek revenge. We want them to hurt like they have hurt us. But, in doing this, the one we most often end up hurting is ourselves! How many nights of sleep have you lost thinking over past "bites" when the one who "bit" you is home fast asleep? Who's being punished here?
That's why Jesus gives us an alternative. Doing good, blessing, praying, and giving are antidotes for the poisons in my spiritual bloodstream. Is there someone who has "bitten" you? Are you spending so much energy chasing them that the poison has worked it's way through your system and you're so drained that you just can't find healing? Ask the Lord to show you how doing good, blessing, praying, and giving might just be the antidote you're looking for!
Hang in there! We're all in this together!
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