He's upstairs conjugating Latin verbs...and I am thinking about how my life has changed over 17 years of parenting this gift of God that is my son, and how life will be changing again now that he is beginning to move into adulthood.
We gave him his dad's '99 Oldsmobile for his birthday - along with a gift certificate for "mechanic lessons" from Brent Stokes...and Folio Society's Tolkien collection. All in all, not a bad haul for a 17 year old.
One more year and society will dub him "adult." Am I ready for that? More importantly, is HE ready for that? There are so many things I want to "cram" in to the next few months...and yet, he is at that place in life where most of the valuable lessons have already been taught, he must now learn to apply them. I've tried to teach him the important things, such as "money is closely connected with sweat," "God may look on the heart, but man looks on the outward appearance so GET A HAIRCUT," "inner discipline will take you farther than natural talent," and "choose a woman that you would want your daughter to emulate...because she will," and so many other little life lessons.
Yet as important as knowledge is it will not serve him well if it doesn't translate into wisdom. That is what I have prayed for 17 years: "God, give this young man wisdom and discernment." Knowledge is useless if he doesn't know how to apply it to life...that is where wisdom comes in.
There's a passage in the Bible that I have come back to many times as a mom. Exodus 2:2-4 talks about Moses' mother who "...gave birth to a son and when she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him...but when she saw that she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with protection and placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the Nile, then...stood at a distance to see what would happen to him."
This has been what I have tried to do as a mom. Through these early years I have tried to protect him from the things that would seek to destroy him. But there comes a time when we can "hide" them from those things no longer. So we make preparation for their success outside of our care...we build a basket of the things that God has provided for us - love, education, discipline, prayer, training in righteousness - and then at the right time we place them into the river of life and watch from a distance to see how things turn out.
I am sure Moses' mother was much more aware of the dangers in the Nile River than little Moses was. There were scary animals and scary people who would have thought nothing of tearing this little baby to shreds. There was the matter of sustenance and protection from the elements. But she knew that there was God who loved her baby and so she stood back and let God take it from there.
There comes a time in our mothering when we can no longer hide our babies from the scary realities of life so we must place them in the protective coverings we have provided, let them go into the river, and stand back and let their dependence be on God instead of on us.
But I believe that Moses' mama was praying like never before...and so am I.
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ReplyDeleteThis is a great piece of "Backyard Wisdom" about a subject very close to home. You are exctly correct in that we only shelter our kids for so long. We pour our lives & wisdom into them, hoping they are absorbing it all like a sponge, for 18 or so years but then there comes a time when the sponge must be squeezed by God in this world away from our sight. What is comforting to me as a dad, is that our heavenly Father is the same God who guided Moses through the Nile, through the worldly courts of Pharaoh, & through the wilderness in order to do great things through him. He will carry Erik in the same way. He also is the One who led His own Son, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness so that He could be tested. As Jesus passed the test by the power of the Word of God instilled in Him by His earthly parents & the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so also will Erik be tested, and I confidence that he will pass the test & learn how to overcome by the Blood of the Lamb & the Word of his testimony. He is a fine young man who will make his mark on the world, make his parents proud, and give great glory to God.
Pastor Ogre
i luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv the part where you said the thingy with the hair cut.he he he!